Layer 1 offers a comprehensive portfolio of products, solutions and services for Communication Service Providers, Utility and Enterprises as well.
The need for data center capacity continues to grow exponentially.
This growth is driven by many new data intensive activities, such as increased use in video, tablets, and smartphone traffic requiring peering, content delivery, and Internet access.
In addition to this, basic inter-data applications like backup/recovery and data protection are growing, along with new demands such as the need for new Multi-cloud or inter-cloud connectivity, massive data for big data or storage-intensive applications.
As a result, it’s becoming imperative to move to 100G, 200G, 400G and above providing deterministic bandwidth, low latency and zero loss target.
A modernized photonic transport network provides a foundation for any application or service needed for critical infrastructures such as utility or transportation.
It includes a scalable packet optical transport network that can support any traffic type, including IP/MPLS, Ethernet or legacy TDM. This foundation utilizes OTN
encapsulation and switching and has native support of packet transport methods such as MPLS-TP or Carrier Ethernet and TDM. The network should also be safe from theft or intrusion through certified Layer 1 encryption with centralized, symmetric key management.
Layer 1 offers a comprehensive portfolio of products, solutions and services for Communication Service Providers.
Our technologies and expertise in the optical domain can help you maximize your investment unbound by the constraints of any single vendor offer.
This ability to offer you multi-vendor solutions is the guarantee for you to obtain the best solution, from access to core network.
Our service provider solutions modernize your access, metro and core infrastructure with the best market solutions to support increasing bandwidth demand and offer differentiated services.