Our services

Consulting & Expertise

Technology analysis
Technology is moving a breakneck speed and you don’t always have someone on staff that keeps up with everything. Layer 1 is intimately familiar with all next generation transport technologies to :
- Evaluate your technical and budget needs against the value of different technologies
- Develop technology adoption and comparison analyses for your network

Network evolution strategy
You have a vision of where your network needs to grow, but you’re not sure how to get there. Layer 1 employees have been designing mission-critical networks for decades. We can provide the network engineering to:
- Review your network as-built, topology and any constraints or compliance issues
- Forecast growth demands on your network
- Develop network support requirements by service
- Develop a network architecture, technology options and a phased migration strategy
- Develop predictable timeline for service delivery

Design & Architecture

Our technical staff is highly skilled in the following areas, as certified by the top manufacturers in the market:
- Network HLD/LLD
- Detailed Engineering
- Site surveys and engineering for racking, power and cabling
- Comprehensive procedure for installation, test and integration

Fiber Optic Characterization  

Just because your current fiber is handling the traffic, doesn’t mean it be able to handle next-gen traffic.  Performing a fiber optic characterization (OTDR) prior to implementing your new carrier-grade network is highly recommended to ensure that your fiber is ready to handle increase bandwidth loads with coherent technology.

Additional Design & Engineer Services
- DCN Design
- Network Audit

Installation & Integration

Layer 1 provides the resources, experience and tools necessary to install, integrate, test and turn-up transport equipment into new and existing networks. Experienced, we know the hardware, software and all the tricks to make the equipment sing in concert. Our personnel are trained and equipped with all the test gear and techniques – from bit error testing to validation of circuit quality and service capabilities to full fiber characterization – needed to bring your network to light.

Project management

Layer 1 offers a variety of standard and custom courses in a classroom learning format, with extensive hands-on labs on the latest transport equipment.


Layer 1 "Knowledge Transfer" service includes a comprehensive suite of internal and vendor training courses, modules and practices to train customer personnel in the installation, administration, maintenances of today’s next generation transport networking equipment.

Layer 1 uses the latest in learning technologies and methodologies to create a personalized learning environment.

Technical support

Whether you need occasional advice, full-time help, or middle-of-the-night incident resolution, you can count on a technical support solution to meet your need, and allow you to focus on running your business.
Contracted 24x7x365 access to Technical Support experts that can troubleshoot and assist with timely resolution of your network hardware, software, and maintenance issues is essential to the quality support of your network.

Layer 1 offers the following services provided only by optical transport experts :

- Hotline to process ticket requests
- Software Upgrades/Updates management
- Level 1 and 2 support
- Level 3 expertise support
- Spare management and on-site delivery
- HW Replacement on-site
- Services on demand
- Technical expertise
- KPI on quality of services